Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Why...why are Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart just so brilliant? They yet again force me to post one of their videos. I would cry abuse, if I didn't love it so.

He would've guessed that Zeus would beat Chronos...


Pliny-the-in-Between said...

My favorite quote was the part about "smiting some butt".

Then he interviewed the home schooling university chancellor who is a Bible literalist. I thought I would die when Colbert got him to admit that it was harder to get into his university than into heaven.

Asylum Seeker said...

I personally enjoyed the graphic for the tournament roster myself. Happen to notice that the winner of the "Yahweh-Allah-'Hindu'-Buddha" match would have to face off against Cthulhu?

Pliny-the-in-Between said...

Happen to notice that the winner of the "Yahweh-Allah-'Hindu'-Buddha" match would have to face off against Cthulhu?
Yes I did - HP would have been proud..