Sunday, November 23, 2008

Whew! What a relief!

The Vatican Church, showing that they are now only forty years behind the curve, have recently issued a statement saying that they forgive John Lennon for saying that the Beatles are bigger than Jesus. I am sure he is thrilled.


Anonymous said...

Ummm ... I don't think he cares.:-)

Anonymous said...

Sweet. They are so awesome about forgiving people or acknowledging wrongs decades after the fact. God bless them!

Josh Nankivel

Fabulously in the City said...

Praise God! Glory to His name!

...oh, wait? No one cares? Not even God Himself?!


Anonymous said...

I think that's the first time anyone has called me a blasphemer!! Yay!!

Thanks Chris! :-)

Pliny-the-in-Between said...

Imagine the Catholic Church apologizing to all the people it has wronged throughout history - I wonder if you can. Imagine all their material wealth helping people today. People say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

With infinite apologies to the late great JL...

Pliny-the-in-Between said...

I suppose we should be grateful that they seem to be catching up with the backlog - They only apologized to Galileo a few years ago...

GearHedEd said...

Isn't forgiving all the people you shat on part of a "twelve-step program"? Yeah, right. Like the Vatican's ever going to admit they made a mistake. Remember that when you forgive someone, you're really saying, "It's OK that you fucked up. We forgive you". This in no way states that the forgivER believes he (they, it) was wrong in the first place.

Asylum Seeker said...

"Sweet. They are so awesome about forgiving people or acknowledging wrongs decades after the fact. God bless them!"

I know. It's so wonderful of them to amend errors so far down the road the most the people involved have retired or been long since buried, so that they can feign humility without, you know, ever having to say they are wrong about anything immediately relevant to the world and people in it.

"Imagine all their material wealth helping people today."

We'd probably just spend it on hookers and blow anyway.

"I think that's the first time anyone has called me a blasphemer!"

Then you simply have not lived until now. Your life begins today.

"This in no way states that the forgivER believes he (they, it) was wrong in the first place."

And thus modern Christianity was born, where they have decided they can have their forgiveness, and their hatred too.

Pliny-the-in-Between said...

We'd probably just spend it on hookers and blow anyway.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

mac said...

They probably had to forgive Lennon.
After all the Pope is supposed to be forgiven for being a NAZI...and for inciting crimean solicitians on the pedophile issue( mistreatthe children more).
Whatever John Lennon may or may not have done, he can't hold a candle to the current pope....he's an Asshole of the greatest magnitude, and Lennon was a much better songwriter ;-)

mac said...

please forgive my spelling??

Asylum Seeker said...

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

It is. LSD is much better.

"Whatever John Lennon may or may not have done, he can't hold a candle to the current pope"

What if I told you that you ate newborn infants, sodomized child school children, sold many of his unwitting fans into slavery, deliberately depleted U.S. oil reserves in order to make us dependent on other countries, and that he is secretly responsible for every genocide of the last few decades(even post-mortem)? I'm guessing he would at least tie...

"please forgive my spelling??"

Give me 16 years.

Asylum Seeker said...

That "you" after the second quotation should be a "he".

In light of that fact, make it 14 years.

mac said...

I know, I'm a day or two late...

But I wonder if John Lennon would even care if the catholic Church forgives him.
I know it woulsn't bother me much if the church excommunicated me. Heck, I'd probably be proud !

Asylum Seeker said...

I doubt he would have cared. Not only was it for a trivial reason, but he seemed to have a disdain for structured religion anyway (opinion entirely based on the lyrics of the song "Imagine"). Excommunication or whatever they could dish would just be a testament to the stuffiness of their institutions, and not any indication of a failing on the part of Lennon. But, it would probably make him blacklisted for all intents and purposes. The good Christians who could hardly bear to listen to that Satanic rock music would now be absolutely repulsed at the idea of hearing the music of that mad heathen who made the Pope vewy vewy angwy. (the last three "w"'s replace "r"'s, in case that needed pointing out).