Thursday, April 16, 2009

Protests: Trolling IRL

So....Tea Parties.

For posterity's sake, here's the hilarity:
All those members of other religions and those Japanese can head straight back to Mexico!1!!
I'm sure that this sign is more than just a jumble of names to someone out there...
Looks strangely like I would picture Obama if he grew a Jay Leno chin and became a car salesman...
Not sure how the term "America is humble" adds to their point...
In fairness, even if our republic was "destroyed" in wasn't exactly in the best of conditions before said destruction.
Comment:  That guy looks far too awesome.  The power of sunglasses and a grimace...
Awww...children being used to spread their parents' political ideology/delusions.  It's adorable!
See the white guy in the crowd, looking towards the sign?  He is getting far too much enjoyment out of it.  He could not match that expression if he were being fellated while on high on MDMA.  He should really try to limit his crazed grins in public.  Won't anyone think of the children?
Awww again.  Cute little 2 foot tall protestors.  Also: apparently you can add "socialist" into any sentence and suddenly it is a scathing critique.  
Stay classy.
Nice artwork.  I trust that this is simply an example of Superdickery .
The big sign on the right:  it says that Barack, Clinton, and Bush all supported abortion, "socialism", oral/anal sex , and "The New World Order".  I would say "one of these things is not like the others", but they all make so little sense in the context of the Tea Party protests, and make even less sense when you admit that the stuff going on isn't new, that the only possible response is to avert your eyes, lest your brain explode within your skull.
How the fuck would that even work?
Stream of consciousness? How -I think I am going to go get a drink man I hate that yappy dog why the hell is that guy rummaging through my garbage- of you.
If you can't read the writing at the top, it's important that you do...without it, the wrath and stupidity don't make any sense!
Well...she gets bonus points for original presentation at least...
Karl Marx:  now used in guilt by association arguments against people who aren't associated with him.  We really need to update Godwin's law...
Is she volunteering?
How can a person be "an assault"?
Now that's the real Godwin.  And a disgusting one at that.  
Freeloading illegals are raping U.S. Tax payers?  Yet another person showing up to the wrong protest, with what appears to be a premise for some form of exploitation film.
What?  No pork joke?  Must have ran out of cardboard...
Stop murdering babies?  I would, but it is so addictive.
And speaking of things completely irrelevant to the actual idea behind the protests...
"Obama=Hitler"= fail
"Cut taxes not defense"?  Money does not work that way.
Feels more like 1861 to me.  And that's being generous.
And when Bush walked with his hand tenderly clasping the Saudi King's hand, he cheated on sweet Lady Liberty.
That sign would be hilarious know...

These protests are more amusing than I ever could have imagined.  But, I guess I should have stretched my imagination a bit more.  They called mailing teabags to politicians "teabagging" so I probably should have expected absurdity from the outset.


Pliny-the-in-Between said...

These images unfortunately make the idea of Obama's re-education camps a lot more appealing...

Asylum Seeker said...

I believe I heard it said somewhere that, in order to "re-educate" them, they need to be educated in the first place. Originally it was in reference to children, I believe, but the point stands disturbingly well for the adults as well.

Stacy said...

Wow ... Why don't they just put pillow cases on their heads?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A couple things I can say to clarify about this presentation, is that you have some people there who hate the government. To them all the presidents since Lincoln or whoever, are part of a great conspiracy that democrats and republicans are in on together.

Two, there are idiotic liberal placards that one can see at left-wing protests (and behavior) they just don't fall into such moronic cliches.

The stupid, ultra left-winger is part of a new subculture. There will be somebody skewering them in 10 years or so, once the ins and outs of the culture are fully established.

This being said, I'm revolted by these signs. I'm glad you posted them Asylum. It doesn't just show stupidity, it shows true hateful stupidity; that's really dangerous. I'm so sick of tribalism, just so sick of it. They make fun of our president's race multiple times...

Remember what they would say in recent years past? "Don't talk that way about President Bush, you commie!"

Well...don't talk about President Obama that way you hateful cracker!

Democracy should force us into intelligent debate, but it can't, it's impotent.

So the people who don't believe in God are acting more like Jesus than the people who do. How ironic, but not unexpected :-(

Anonymous said...

Why is it that my editing skills become more attuned after I post? Sigh.

Asylum Seeker said...

"A couple things I can say to clarify about this presentation, is that you have some people there who hate the government."

Assuming that that was the case for the big sign about the sodomy and New World Order, that does add a little more clarity to the situation. Still weird as all get out though.

"Two, there are idiotic liberal placards that one can see at left-wing protests (and behavior) they just don't fall into such moronic cliches.

The stupid, ultra left-winger is part of a new subculture. There will be somebody skewering them in 10 years or so, once the ins and outs of the culture are fully established."

That is true. Sadly, the post-Prop. 8 protests might qualify, especially the ones who turned violent. And there is sometimes a disheartening amount of stupidity at some anti-war protests. And sometimes those cliches arise. For instance, calling Iraq a "war for oil" is something that I have found hard to swallow. It's overly simplistic, there is no reason to assume that that was a rationale when we went in, let alone a sole rationale. And, the most embarrassing part of it for me is that the reality of war, invading a country on the false pretenses of fighting terrorists who weren't there and preventing from using weapons which also weren't there, is far more significant than being motivated to get oil in the process could be.

It is possible that it is actually a "war for oil", but we really don't have enough evidence for that to make it such a widespread sentiment against the war, when there are plenty of better reasons to be disagreeing with it.

Asylum Seeker said...

Also: PETA. You can agree with some of what they are saying, but if you agree with everything, you should probably consult a psychiatrist of some sorts.

The Maze Monster said...

Oh these are all hilarious. I love the guy with the RIP sign.

7/4/76 - 1/20/09

Makes it look like America was born in 1976 lol

Asylum Seeker said...

"Makes it look like America was born in 1976"

I did not notice that. I guess that's why other people decided to go with "200 some odd years and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" posters. At least that way it doesn't seem like they are claiming that the nation was formed during a bicentennial celebration/fourth of July barbecue.

Michael said...

these pictures didn't really make it look like the Tax Protest was really about Taxes... Again, it seems that conservatives don't know whats going on...

Side note: its been about 3 months, and Obama hasn't really done anything to cause effects yet... so they are still feeling the Bush problems... wish they could understand that.

Asylum Seeker said...

"Side note: its been about 3 months, and Obama hasn't really done anything to cause effects yet... "

Good point. It is really hard to tell what they are reacting to though. Some of them are pissed because of the current predicament of the economy, others are angry because of the stimulus and assumed ramifications of it, others just plain hate taxes, and still others hate taxes but are only using that as an excuse to speak against Obama. A very strange brew, apparently.