Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thought of the Day

Get rid of the slash in NAMBLA and it is suddenly a fan club, rather than the real life version of the Super Adventure Club.

P.S. Not this real version...


Anonymous said...

You must be waaaay younger than I am seeker! I have NO FRICKIN' IDEA what you just said!!

I opened all of the links - learned what NAMBLA is (although I had heard about that before), and I know South Park, of course - but probably because I grew up in CO. and am in love with John Elway -- but beyond that --- ??????????????

Anonymous said...


Asylum Seeker said...

NAMBLA is(was) frequently brought up on the Daily Show, so that's how I first heard about that (which is the same way I know about South Park...because I am a whore for the comedy channel).

And I only found the other two (the random no-name bands) through random web searches. I was hoping that "manboy" was an actual word, (or phrase, since I hear the term "man child" used occasionally) but instead I found that it was a band name, so I went with that instead.

On an unrelated note: I probably am younger than you are (not an insult). I won't disclose my age, isn't all too hard to beat.

Also: I think that the second commenter linked to a site consisting entirely of beer ads...

mac said...

those NAMBLA guys are a bunch of sweathearts :P

GearHedEd said...

I can't join the National Association of Marlon Brando Look-Alikes...

Everyone I know says I look like Adolf Hitler.

No, really...

pboyfloyd said...

How about N.A.B.D.O.M.B.P.

..or North Americans for Beating dirty old men to a bloody pulp?

You know, in principle.

pboyfloyd said...

Oh, yea! "Seig Heil!" Ed.. cool look!

Just don't cultivate a toothbrush moustache!

I think an ad hoc committee of N.A.B.D.O.M.B.P. would beat you up... you know, in principle.

Asylum Seeker said...

NAMBLA = Awesome. For the record.

"Everyone I know says I look like Adolf Hitler."

Does that count as a Godwin?